Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Obat Sakit Jantung Kolestrol Tinggi Dan Darah Tinggi

Cara Pengolahan :

*Campurkan Semua Bahan Diatas Dan Didihkan ( Dengan Api Kecil )
* Didihkan Sekitar 1/2 Jam Untuk Menjadi 3 Gelas
* Saring Dan Dinginkan
* Setelah Dingin Tambahkan 3 Gelas Madu Alami,Diaduk Sampai Merata Dan Masukan
   Kedalam Botol.

Aturan Pakai :

Minumlah 1 Sendok Makan Setiap Pagi Sebelum Sarapan...

Mudah Mudahan Penyempitan Atau Sumbatan Pembuluh Darah Pada Jantung
Akan Terbuka.
Dan Tidak Diperlukan Lagi Operasi ANGIOPLASTY / BYPASS.

Sumber : Penelitti Farmasi Dari Malaysia Prof.Dr.S.Vikineswary,Biotech Division Institute of Biological
             Sciences University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 

1 komentar:

  1. From: Prof. Dr. Vikineswary Sabaratnam [mailto:viki@um.edu.my]
    Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2011 14:29
    To: Chand, Subhash
    Subject: Re: FW: No need for Angiography or Bypass

    Dear Sir,
    This is a chain/hoax mail which is circulating and ever since I responded to my friend's query, it has been circulating as if it originated from me.
    I am not the original sender- I have not done research in this area – I am not a medical doctor. Pls convey this to your email list of friends - will appreciate that. .
    Caution! The remedy stated below and sent around in chain email is unsubstantiated - no research done by me

    Prof Dr. Vikineswary S

    ref : http://ujale-ki-aur.blogspot.com/2011/11/fw-fw-no-need-for-angiography-or-bypass.html

